Wednesday, December 28, 2011

3R Buddy Group - December 26, 2011

                                                               December 26, 2011
Hi Folks,
Note to self...The sad thing about Christmas is when it’s over, a lot of hype for such a short time of festivities.  Now, we’re suffering from PSCS, Post Santa Claus Syndrome.  Thank God, Ground Hog’s day is coming. 
I hope everyone had a great holiday.  Now, it’s time to get moving and lose the additional weight we put on throughout the season.
I don’t have a rave run report, but I think the jolly elf from the North Pole has been picking up on my emails and more importantly, the RAVE RUN sideline.  Santa gave me a new red iPod-Nano for Christmas with the engraving “RAVE RUN” on the back of it.  I have friends in very high places.
I hope everyone had a great time last Thursday at the annual Christmas Party.  I want to mention that running pays off.  After running the London Marathon and receiving all the attention that he did, Dennis went on to become a member of the IMF team and is now in the movie: ‘Mission Impossible’.  As I’ve been saying, running pays off.
Send me your favorite Youtube video’s, stories, and photos of moments, experiences, places, or people that you feel we can enjoy reading about in the BG email.
So, the New Year starts soon.  And with it, comes all the resolutions that we start (or carry over from last year).  New Year’s resolutions were created by the Romans when the god Janus was placed at the head of the calendar.  Janus was a two-headed god, one to look past and one to look forward.  Thus the month of January, named after Janus.
Below are some New Year’s resolutions that came across my desk.
Improve my speed - (set new 5k and half marathon PRs).  And, figure out everything about my watch - the fancy pants Garmin forerunner 405cx.
My wish is to have a baby… or at least get pregnant with one =)
As for me, I’ll look back from my resolutions from a year ago and put them in this year.  I figure sooner or later, I’ll get them done or drop them.  I’m committed to running the Rockford Half-Marathon, so I want to do a good job with it.  I want to get caught up on all of my reading from this year.  Maybe one of my resolutions should be, not to buy a book when I have so many unread. 
I thought I’d go back and look for the resolutions some of us made a year ago.  I’m curious, how many of these were kept….
I usually don't do NY's resolutions but I feel the need to do one.  Lose weight (lifestyle change), train better, run with the group, more ME time (not that I have some now) and enjoy life!
My new years resolutions are to learn to enjoy the small & seemingly insignificant moments with my family - sometimes those are the moments that make the best memories.  Also, to make it to more buddy runs and increase my speed.
Next year, my resolutions is to conquer the LA Marathon in March by actually listening to my body during the training and realizing that a cup of coffee is not a suitable post-run recovery food.
New Years Resolution for me is to put my best effort into finding a new job in Madison or Milwaukee. I'm dying to move!!!!
As for me, my resolution is to make sure my feet hit the ground every morning when I get out of bed.  Knowing that I’m up and taking nourishment (thanks Bob) is the start to any great day.  The rest as they say, is just frosting. 
And now for some messages from the Hippy Dippy Weatherman.
It’s winter.  And I think da Mudda is cooperating with us.  It’s supposed to be cold and snowy.  But in looking over the 10 day forecast, we’re going to be above freezing which isn’t too bad for running. 
Everyone (most everyone) wants a white Christmas.  Now that Christmas is over, we want warm weather and it looks like we’ll get it.
Rockford Half-Marathon next May…
The date is May 20th, 2012. 
Training starts the end of February. 
Last week for the cheap registration.  Prices go up Sunday.
I’m having a short note placed in the Rockford Roadrunners newsletter asking if anyone wants to train for the half-marathon.  So, we may be getting a few more folks to enjoy the journey.  The more, the merrier. 
And just because my notes will reflect the training for the half-marathon, not everyone who shows up for a run is running the half-marathon.  So, come on down for a run at whatever your pace and/or distance.
Don’t forget, the Crazy Legs race next April is on the calendar. 
The date is April 28th, 2012.  Registration opens after the first of the year.  I’ll keep you posted.   
Remember, the BG is on Facebook.  The link to the group now is:
The dates and activities for the next month or so should be out there.  So, look for some information there.  And go ahead and write on the wall.  Let others know about your running adventures.   
If you need information about a run or location, feel free to give me a call at 815-222-1280.
If you want to share any ideas for a run or recovery; if you'll be venturing to a distant race and you want to car-pool with some folks; or if you're training for a race and you want a training partner, pass the information onto me and I'll send the word out to others.
Thursday, 12.29.11, Meet at Pino’s on North Main Street.  We’ll run towards the river, crossing the river to connect with the bike path.  It appears the weather is going to cooperate.  So, a run from Pino’s is on.  Recovery is at Pino’s on North Main.  Meeting time is 6:00 pm.

Saturday, 12.31.11, New Year’s Eve.  Meet at corners of State and Madison Streets in downtown Rockford.  We’ll run the bike path along the river.  Meeting time is 7:00 am.  (Yes, exercise before partying.) 

Thursday, 01.05.12, Meet at Gerry’s Pizza on East State Street.  We’ll run the bike path over to Midway Village for a couple of laps.  Recovery is at Gerry’s.  Meeting time is 6:00 pm.


"Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.  Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.  Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best.  Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.  Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.  Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side as long as you are true to be the best that is in you”.     ~found on a BGer’s Facebook page
Waddle On!
The Buddy Group is open to any runners and walkers who want to come out and enjoy running and/or walking. We charge no fees and you do not have to be a member of any club. Please contact David Kiefer at for more information.
Legal disclaimer....I'm not a coach or trainer. By receiving this email, you will not hold the author or any recipients of this email liable for any injuries or activities you and your possession may encounter while running among this group. You run at your own risk knowing all the potential hazards that can arise. 

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