Wednesday, December 21, 2011

3R Buddy Group - December 19, 2011

                                                               December 19, 2011
Hi Folks,
Note to self...You know, before this week closes, the days will start getting longer.  And before you know it, warm weather will be here. 
As we go into the Christmas week, I hope everyone has a great holiday.  I hope that Santa brings everything you want (see below for some ideas) and that you spend some relaxing time with family and friends. 

Here are some BG’ers running in Sinnissippi Park and the Festival of Lights.

Send me your favorite Youtube video’s, stories, and photos of moments, experiences, places, or people that you feel we can enjoy reading about in the BG email.
It’s Christmas time and below are some of the items folks have asked Santa to place under their trees this holiday season.
For Christmas, I would love for Santa to bring me a Stand Up Paddleboard, or at least a hot pair of boots.
Chewbacca wants a portable locker room so he can change out of his running clothes after a hard run.  Yeah, watching him change while drinking coffee on Saturday mornings, was quite a sight.
Ms Happy wants to publish her book “Making Money Running as a Bandit” next year.  She’s hoping to go on a book publishing tour with stops at all the major racing events, some of which she’ll be running in.  She also wants to partner with Robin Leach and produce a TV program “Lifestyles of Running Bandits”.
Ms Kittie wants a Garmin Nuvi so that she won’t get lost while on a run.  Unfortunately for her, the voice will still remind her to ‘turn left at the water tower’.
BtE wants a subscription to “Pizza of the Month” club.
Not to be outdone, Ms Cali Chick wants a subscription to the “Apple Cider Donut of the Day” club.
Ms Smartie Car got her present a little early.  U.S. troops final left Iraq.  (Amen!) 
Ms RN wants RN school to be over.  She’s also asked for a free autographed copy of my new book “Hi Folks: My Emails to the Buddy Group and other Musings”.  It comes out in the spring.  Order your copy today!  She also mentioned something about a larger refrigerator door. 
Ms Scubie’s list was too long to put in this email.  The jolly elf is really looking over her list and trying to determine if she’s been naughty or nice.
Mr Kansas City wants a better qualifying time for Boston. 
Abbey, the pup, wants to run and has asked Santa to make her dad healthy enough to run.
Ms Speedo wants the book “1001 Excuses to Tell a Police Officer Why You Were Speeding” written by the Sherriff, a member of the BG.  Also, I think Ms Speedo wants to take lessons on “How to tear up and tell a sob story when approached by a police officer”.  Classes start January 9th, 2012.
The Sherriff wants another quota buster plaque in 2012.  She wants to keep her track record intact.
The Sherriff’s mom wants to meet earlier on Saturdays.  I think Santa will kick this one back to me.
As for me, I’m greedy.  I want two things.  I’ve asked Santa for lights on the path at Midway Village.  I think having a lighted path will do wonders for that area and the people of the east side who constantly use the path.  Perhaps the Park District can use some of their $30,000,000 windfall they’re putting into SportsCore II to help with the lights.  But, I’m afraid the folks of the Park District and the Midway Village Board have been naughty this past year.  We won’t be seeing lights at Midway Village anytime soon.
And the other thing I’m asking Santa for: I hope a runner of the group will complete a major running feat, goal, milestone next year; a runner to try something they’ve always wanted to do, but never had the courage to attempt.  This is what our group and my emails are all about.  Helping runners do something they never thought they could.  And I may add, having us make it look simple.
(fine print:  All of the above characters and information are fictional.  Wink wink)
And now for some messages from the Hippy Dippy Weatherman.
Snow, rain, cold temps.  It’s winter. 
Except, I think the Hippy Dippy Weatherman lied to us.  The weather has been great so far this season.  But da Mudda will be playing jokes on us soon. 
Rockford Half-Marathon next May…
The date is May 20th, 2012. 
Training starts the end of February. 
Registration prices go up the end of the year.  And If you’re a past runner of the events, I have the top secret password to give you $10 off the registration fee.
A comment for the newbies:  If I mention a distance like the half-marathon, not all of us will be training for that.  So, the distances I mention are only for the distance demons, not us mortals.  Most of us will keep our run distances a lot shorter than what’s required for the half-marathon. 
Don’t forget, the Crazy Legs race next April is on the calendar. 
The date is April 28th, 2012.  Registration opens after the first of the year.  I’ll keep you posted.   
Last call for your New Year’s resolutions.  Send me something.  The creative part of my brain is slowing down.
As always, the innocent will be safe.  If I embellish, I’ll include names.  So the choice is yours.
Remember, the BG is on Facebook.  The link to the group now is:
The dates and activities for the next month or so should be out there.  So, look for some information there.  And go ahead and write on the wall.  Let others know about your running adventures.   
If you need information about a run or location, feel free to give me a call at 815-222-1280.
If you want to share any ideas for a run or recovery; if you'll be venturing to a distant race and you want to car-pool with some folks; or if you're training for a race and you want a training partner, pass the information onto me and I'll send the word out to others.
Thursday, 12.22.11, The Buddy Group’s Annual Christmas Party.  I’ll host the party.  If you want to bring a dish to pass (desserts, we need desserts), please drop me a note.  We’ll still run before the festivities start, so you don’t get off the hook that easy.  My address is: 6796 Oxtail Court, Rockford, IL.  It’s the subdivision across Guilford Road from Midway Village.  Call me at 815-222-1280 if you need directions.  This is a BYOLL (bring your own liquid libations) event.  For entertainment: we’ll watch the movie “Run Fatboy Run” about a runner who trains and runs the La Flora Marathon (London).  Meeting time is 6:00 pm.

Saturday, 12.24.11, Christmas Eve.  Does anyone want to run?  It was discussed at Thursday’s recovery that we can meet later ie 10:00 am, at Old Chicago near Logli’s on East State Street, run towards Midway Village and enjoy recovery at Old Chicago.  Let me know and I’ll send out a blue letter.

Thursday, 12.29.11, Meet at Pino’s on North Main Street.  We’ll run towards the river, crossing the river to connect with the bike path.  This will depend on the weather, so stay tuned to your email box.  Recovery is at Pino’s on North Main.  Meeting time is 6:00 pm.

 "The heart has its reasons, which reason does not know."     ~Blaise Pascal
“Running is a balance of physical exertion, enhanced mental awareness and spiritual peace.”     ~Jeff Galloway 
“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night”     ~Edgar Allen Poe
Waddle On!
The Buddy Group is open to any runners and walkers who want to come out and enjoy running and/or walking. We charge no fees and you do not have to be a member of any club. Please contact David Kiefer at for more information.
Legal disclaimer....I'm not a coach or trainer. By receiving this email, you will not hold the author or any recipients of this email liable for any injuries or activities you and your possession may encounter while running among this group. You run at your own risk knowing all the potential hazards that can arise. 

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