Tuesday, January 24, 2012

3R Buddy Group - January 23, 2012

                                                                January 23, 2012
Hi Folks,
Note to self...you know in food, they have replacement nutritional values among the food groups.  Instead of eating that half of cheesy, sausage Pizza Hut pizza, you can substitute a large Culver’s Turtle Sundae.  After all they have the same nutritional values, don’t they?  Well, does the workout of an hour of snow shoveling substitute the workout from a 10K run?  I guess it can be considered cross training.   
Here’s a recap of the Winter Survivor 10K from last Saturday…
The Winter Survivor 10K was very challenging and fun!  Audrey and I did the "early start" at 11am instead of noon so we were able to avoid the crowds and see the elite runners cross the finish line.  Yet by doing the early start, we only had a handful of people in front of us to pack down the snow on the ungroomed trail. The fresh snow was beautiful but added on almost 30 minutes to what I expected to finish in!  110 minutes of "high knees" to get through it all. That day, I discovered that wearing my neoprene booties (that I bought for canoeing in the Boundary Waters) over my wool socks kept my toes warm AND dry!  - Steph
Send me your favorite Youtube video’s, stories, and photos of moments, experiences, places, or people that you feel we can enjoy reading about in the BG email.
Anyone interested in attending the Rockford Road Runners meeting next week on the 1st at Thunder Bay Grill?  Let me know.
And now for some messages from the Hippy Dippy Weatherman.
I think we’re in our January thaw.  Funny, winter just started a little less than 2 weeks ago and it’s due to leave in 6 weeks. 
As always use caution in the snow and ice.  Also, use caution when the temperatures are low and the wind blowing.  Cover all exposed skin including your face. 
Rockford Half-Marathon next May…
The date is May 20th, 2012. 
Training starts the week of February 27th.  Now is a good time to continue adding to your base miles.  Though there are different theories, you should start training for a long race (half-marathon) after running for a while and having an established base mileage.
Over the course of the spring, some of my email notes will reflect the training for the half-marathon.  I understand, not everyone who reads my words of wisdom will be training for the half-marathon.  (I also understand that not everyone reads my emails.)  But, we practice a policy that we leave no runner behind.  So, come on down for a run at whatever your pace and/or distance and I promise, they’ll be someone running or walking with you.
Crazy Legs…
The BG will be venturing to the Crazy Legs Classic 8K race in Madison on April 28th, 2012.  Registration is now open.  Walkers are welcomed to the race and the BG will be represented by several walkers.  So, there’s no excuse for not showing up. 

We’ll carpool to the race and we’ll have our Madison people find a spot for recovery after the race.

I’ve mentioned before, if you want to run the Chicago Marathon, but don’t want to run the 26 miles, run the 5 miles of the Crazy Legs Classic.  The race attracts 30K (ish) runners and walkers and the race circuit is lines with tons of folks cheering you on.  The best part…finishing on the 50 yard line of Camp Randall Stadium, home of the Wisconsin Badgers. 
Partly personal…I flunked 6th grade spelling and I really didn’t like English in school.  So, if I misspell a word or perhaps something doesn’t sound right, don’t take it out on the messenger.  And my promise to you, I won’t leave my day job.
Remember, the BG is on Facebook.  The link to the group now is: http://www.facebook.com/pages/3R-Buddy-Group/113136022536
The dates and activities for the next month or so should be out there.  So, look for some information there.  And go ahead and write on the wall.  Let others know about your running adventures.   
If you need information about a run or location, feel free to give me a call at 815-222-1280.
If you want to share any ideas for a run or recovery; if you'll be venturing to a distant race and you want to car-pool with some folks; or if you're training for a race and you want a training partner, pass the information onto me and I'll send the word out to others.
Thursday, 01.26.12, Meet at the north-west corner of State and Madison Streets.  We’ll venture to Sinnissippi Park to watch some of the Snow Sculpturing contest taking place there throughout the week.  Recovery is at Carlyle Brewing.  Meeting time is 6:00 pm.

Saturday, 01.28.12,  Meet at the north-west corner of State and Madison Streets.  Depending on the condition of the path, we’ll either run north on the bike path or parking ramps. Meeting time is 7:00 am. 

Thursday, 02.02.12, Meet at Gerrys Pizza on State Street (Argyle Drive).  We’ll venture to Midway Village for a lap or two.  Recovery is at Gerry’s Pizza.  Meeting time is 6:00 pm.

Raging storm out. howlin’ wind, driving rain. Going runnin’ “Life isn’t about how you survived the storm, but how you danced in the rain.”     ~Dean Karnazes
"The challenge in running is not to aim at doing the things no one else has done, but to keep doing things anyone could do--but most never will."     ~Joe Henderson in the Complete Book of Running
"If you have any doubts about doing the marathon, put them away.  It's an awesome experience.  Live every day to its fullest because you never know when it's going to be your last."     ~Eddie Felix, after completing the Los Angeles Marathon, March 2001
Waddle On!
The Buddy Group is open to any runners and walkers who want to come out and enjoy running and/or walking. We charge no fees and you do not have to be a member of any club. Please contact David Kiefer at davidkiefer@att.net for more information.
Legal disclaimer....I'm not a coach or trainer. By receiving this email, you will not hold the author or any recipients of this email liable for any injuries or activities you and your possession may encounter while running among this group. You run at your own risk knowing all the potential hazards that can arise. 

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