Wednesday, October 12, 2011

3R Buddy Group - October 3, 2011

                                                                       October 3, 2011
Hi Folks,
Note to self...I think I can run better in cooler weather.  Just wait until January.
I forgot to mention that last week’s picture of the lake was taken by Audrey. 
I found another inspirational YouTube video.  It’s great pounding music and some great photos.  Not the best out there, but enjoy
Send me your favorite Youtube video’s, stories, and photos of moments, experiences, places, or people that you feel we can enjoy reading about in the BG email.
Tyranena Half-Marathon Training:
How’s your training for the half going?  For you first time half-marathoners, getting excited?  I remember when I trained for my first half and getting excited.  I never ran longer than 3-4 miles and I was way out of my comfort zone.  But it was fun.  And now 7 years later, I’m still running and training for the next half.  Oh well, enough rambling.
FIRST program: Week 14 - The distances for the week are: Thursday is 5 miles and Saturday is 15 miles.
Higdon program: Week 8 – The distances for the week are: Thursday is 4.5 miles and Saturday is 8 miles.
I haven’t heard anything about the how registration is doing.  I’ll pass on any information when I get.
We’ll carpool to the race.  Since the race starts at 11:00am, we usually meet about 8:00 or so.
Here are a couple of website links that you may want to visit.  For more information about the races:
Racecourse information can be found at:
And now for some messages from the Hippy Dippy Weatherman…
Use caution on your runs when the leaves start to fall.  The leaves can hide glass and other sharp objects and the leaves can get pretty slippery when wet.
Remember to start carrying your reflective cloth, your headlamp and other lights when you run at night.  It’s getting dark early.
The Hippy Dippy weatherman is predicting cold and snowy weather coming in the next few months.  So start looking at your winter running wardrobe.
Rockford Marathon next May…any takers?  If there’s enough folks wanting to train for the marathon and half-marathon, I’ll gear next spring’s schedule toward them.  And I may open the training to other runners of the Rockford community.

This weekend is the Chicago Marathon.  Good luck to Armando as he tries to secure a path to Boston.  I heard that there may be a Leslie sighting in Chicago this weekend, good luck Leslie (but why Chicago?  Doesn’t California have marathons?)  And good luck to first time marathoner, Joyce.  You picked a great race for your first marathon.  And just think, you three get to compete against the world’s best.
Now, this list isn’t inclusive.  I got the information from the chatter I heard mainly from Facebook. 
And I expect a short paragraph from you folks so that I can include it in the rave run section of the email.
Remember, the BG is on Facebook.  The link to the group now is:
The dates and activities for the next month or so should be out there.  So, look for some information there.  And go ahead and write on the wall.  Let others know about your running adventures.   
If you need information about a run or location, feel free to give me a call at 815-222-1280.
If you want to share any ideas for a run or recovery; if you'll be venturing to a distant race and you want to car-pool with some folks; or if you're training for a race and you want a training partner, pass the information onto me and I'll send the word out to others.
Thursday, 10.06.11, Meet at Martin Park in Loves Park.  We’ll head south of the park running towards downtown Rockford on the bikepath.  Recovery is at Nunzio’s on North Second Street. Meeting time is 6:00 pm.

Saturday, 10.08.11, Meet at the northwest corner of State and Madison Streets.  It’s a parking ramp Saturday.  The total distance is short, maybe 6 miles.  But running parking ramps are a great hill workout.  Meeting time is 7:00 am
Thursday, 10.13.11, Meet at Pino’s on North Main Street.  We’ll run towards the bike path and follow the bike path for a mile or two.  Recovery is at Pino’s.  Meeting time is 6:00 pm.

Saturday, 10.15.11, Meet at Rock Cut State Park in the Olson Lake parking lot.  We’ll run a loop around Pierce Lake on the roads.  The total distance should be about 6-9 miles. Meeting time is 7:00 am. 
"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."     -Mario Andretti
"A runner's creed: I will win; if I cannot win, I shall be second; if I cannot be second, I shall be third; if I cannot place at all, I shall still do my best."     -Ken Doherty
"The challenge in running is not to aim at doing the things no one else has done, but to keep doing things anyone could do-but most never will."     -Joe Henderson, Complete Book of Running
Waddle On!
The Buddy Group is open to any runners and walkers who want to come out and enjoy running and/or walking. We charge no fees and you do not have to be a member of any club. Please contact David Kiefer at for more information.
Legal disclaimer....I'm not a coach or trainer. By receiving this email, you will not hold the author or any recipients of this email liable for any injuries or activities you and your possession may encounter while running among this group. You run at your own risk knowing all the potential hazards that can arise.

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