Wednesday, September 21, 2011

3R Buddy Group - Septmeber 19, 2011

                                                                       September 19, 2011
Hi Folks,
Note to self...Is it just me or do others tear up when they hear the National Anthem?
I received a couple of email responses from last week’s Youtube video.  Thank you.  I hoped it brought some inspiration to your running.
Over the weekend I watched part of last year’s Ironman competition on TV.  So, I searched Youtube for an appropriate video from the Ironman-run portion.
I’ve used the quote before and it goes something like, ‘crawl if you have to, but finish the damn race’.  This is so true with the video.  And as you watch the video, listen to the last words from the commentator.  It sums up the spirit of determination.      
Here’s the link:
Send me your favorite Youtube video’s and I’ll include the links in this email as well as your moments, experiences, places, or people that you feel we can enjoy reading about in the BG email.
Tyranena Half-Marathon Training:
FIRST program: Week 12 - The distances for the week are: Thursday is 6 miles and Saturday is 14 miles.
Higdon program: Week 6 – The distances for the week are: Thursday is 4 miles and Saturday is 6 miles.
I haven’t heard anything about the how registration is doing.  I’ll pass on any information when I get.
We’ll carpool to the race.  Since the race starts at 11:00am, we usually meet about 8:00 or so.
Here are a couple of website links that you may want to visit.  For more information about the races:
And for the racecourse.  Please ignore the elevation changes.
And now for some messages from the Hippy Dippy Weatherman…
Just a reminder to use caution on your runs when the leaves start to fall.  The leaves can hide glass and other sharp objects and the leaves can get pretty slippery when wet.
Congratulations to Bruce the Elder and Dave for finishing in their respective marathons this past weekend.  Bruce the Elder visited Dayton Ohio on Saturday and got 5th in age division and Dave visited Batavia on Sunday finishing 6th in his age division.  Way to go!
And speaking of marathons, I received an email last week mentioning the registration for the Rockford Marathon and Half-Marathon is now open.  And someone on the Facebook page has thrown down the gauntlet for the race.
Any takers?  If there are enough folks wanting to train for the marathon and half-marathon, I’ll gear next spring’s schedule toward them.  And I may open the training to other runners of the Rockford community.  Training for the marathon starts January 1st and the half-marathon about 6 weeks later.
Here are some races on the BG calendar.  This is not an exhausting list of races, but just some that we discuss during recovery and that the BG will venture to.
Tyranena Half-Marathon, Lake Mills, November 5th.

If you have an idea for a race that you think the BG will enjoy, send it my way and we can discuss them at recovery.  

There was a Connie sighting on Saturday.
Remember, the BG is on Facebook.  The link to the group now is:
The dates and activities for the next month or so should be out there.  So, look for some information there.  And go ahead and write on the wall.  Let others know about your running adventures.   
If you need information about a run or location, feel free to give me a call at 815-222-1280.
If you want to share any ideas for a run or recovery; if you'll be venturing to a distant race and you want to car-pool with some folks; or if you're training for a race and you want a training partner, pass the information onto me and I'll send the word out to others.
Thursday, 09.22.11, Meet at Gerry’s Restaurant on East State near the Red Roof Inn.  We’ll run towards Midway Village and run a loop or two of the path.  Recovery is at Gerry’s. Meeting time is 6:00 pm.

Saturday, 09.24.11, Meet at the Peak on Perryville Road.  We’ll run the bike path along Perryville towards Rock Cut Park.  The total distance should be about 6-9 miles. Meeting time is 7:00 am. 
Thursday, 09.29.11, Meet at Maciano’s on Perryville Road.  We’ll run through the streets towards Rock Valley College and run a few loops of the path there.  Recovery is at Maciano’s. Meeting time is 6:00 pm.

Saturday, 09.31.11, Meet at the south parking lot of Machesney Park Mall, down by the Penny’s entrance.  We’ll head south to Sports Core Park.                The total distance should be about 6-9 miles. Meeting time is 7:00 am. 
 "If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything, is ready, we shall never begin."      - Ivan Turgenev

"Far better it is to dare mighty things...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."     -Teddy Roosevelt

 "You don't need to be fast!  What you do need is the will: the will to abide by a training program.  The will to get up a couple of hours earlier on Saturday and Sunday morning to get your long run in.  The will to structure your life a bit more
over the next few months: to get more sleep, drink more fluids, eat more carefully.”     -John Hanc, The Essential Marathoner
Waddle On!
The Buddy Group is open to any runners and walkers who want to come out and enjoy running and/or walking. We charge no fees and you do not have to be a member of any club. Please contact David Kiefer at for more information.
Legal disclaimer....I'm not a coach or trainer. By receiving this email, you will not hold the author or any recipients of this email liable for any injuries or activities you and your possession may encounter while running among this group. You run at your own risk knowing all the potential hazards that can arise.

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